Estate Planning gives you peace of mind. You’ve worked hard for your assets. Make sure that your last wishes are honoured. Our lawyers use our experience and the very best in modern estate planning tools to help you arrive at the plan that is tailored for your situation.
People often put off making a Will. It’s hard to think about your family losing you, or about what will happen to your estate. A Will is a document that leaves clear instructions for your heirs, and it is a gift to them that will make their lives easier when you die.
Many people do not consider that there are often time periods when we are still in need of help and care, but unable to make those decisions for ourselves. That’s when Powers of Attorney are needed – to handle financial matters, and to handle personal care.
Powers of Attorney make sure that the people you can trust will be there to take care of these things for you, and that the banks, hospitals and other institutions will accept their decision-making. Your Powers of Attorney may be given to any competent adult, allowing you to relax knowing that someone who is aware of your wishes will be looking out for your best interests.
When a loved one dies, someone needs to handle the estate, even in a very simple situation. At a time of great grief and emotional stress, it is comforting to have someone to guide you through the process. Our lawyers will be able to advise you of your responsibilities and take care of some or all of those duties on your behalf.
Not all estates are settled clearly and easily. If you wish to contest a Will, speak to one of our lawyers about your matter. We can assist you in vigorously defending your interests.